Registration couldn't be easier!

Create a FinditintheBlackCountry account by completing each step below, then simply click the 'Sign me up' button.
Local businesses can create a free, basic account or upgrade to a Premium account for more benefits.
Businesses outside the area do not quality for a free account and must select Premium.

You have selected the following package: Free (Local business, basic access)

Enter your company name below to find your company's details on "Companies House".

Company No. will be automatically populated if the correct company is selected.

Company Address

Trading Address (optional)

Please select your main business sector from the dropdown

Please use the search box below to find and select your company sub-sectors.

Please wait while the list of sectors is loaded...

Sector SelectionID
Added Sectors


Please add in any keywords that apply to your organisation that you couldn't find in sub-sectors. Hit the 'enter' key or click 'add' to add each keyword.
If you want to delete a keyword after you've added it, just click on it.

Enter Keyword
Added Keywords

Your password must be at least 6 characters long, and contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number.

In signing up, you are agreeing to be contacted by the Finditin team and our partners about opportunities, Meet the Buyer events, relevant business support, news, offers and our buyer/supplier matchmaking service.

This will be done by email or telephone with careful consideration taken to ensure that the purpose of the contact falls under ‘legitimate interest’.

Your communication preferences can be changed at any time, by visiting your ‘Personal Profile’ within your ‘Dashboard’.

You can create a free or Premium Local account for your local area, however if you would like to join the wider Finditin network, you will be required to upgrade to our Premium Plus package.

Our other networks include:

  • FinditinWorcestershire
  • FinditinBirmingham
  • FinditinCW
  • FinditinCW Employment Solutions
  • West Midlands Growth Hubs Support
  • FinditinStoke&Staffs
  • FinditinPlymouth

Interested in expanding your reach? Click the button below to select a different package and upgrade.

You have selected the following package: Free (Local business, basic access)

By clicking the 'Sign Me Up!' button you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions (opens in a new window).